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Peer-reviewed Publications



Hingley J.S., Martins C.C., Walker-Trivett C., Adams J.K., Naeher S., Haggi C., Feakins S.J., Naafs B.D.A. Submitted. Organic Geochemistry. The global distribution of Isoprenoidal Glycerol Dialkyl Diethers (isoGDDs) is consistent with a predominant degredation origin.




Martins C.C., Adams J.K., Yang H., Shchetnikov A.A., Di Domeniko M., Rose N.L., Mackay A.W. 2023. Earthquake, floods and changing land use history: A 200-year overview of environmental changes in Selenga River basin as indicated by n-alkanes and related proxies in sediments from shallow lakes. Science of the Total Environment.




Kay M.L., Wiklund J.A., Sun X., Savage C.A.M., Adams J.K., MacDonald L.A, Klemt W.H., Brown K.C., Hall R.I., Wolfe B.B. 2022. Assessment of mercury enrichment in lake sediment records from Alberta Oil Sands development via fluvial and atmospheric pathways. Frontiers in Environmental Science.




Adams J.K., Dean B.Y., Athey S.N., Jantunen L.M., Bernstein S., Stern G., Diamond M.L., Finkelstein S.A. Anthropogenic particles (including microfibers and microplastics) in marine sediments of the Canadian Arctic. Science of the Total Environment.




Sühring R., Diamond M.L., Bernstein S., Adams J.K., Schuster J.K., Fernie K., Elliott K., Stern G., Jantunen L.M. Organophosphate esters in the Canadian Arctic Ocean. Environmental Science & Technology.


Athey S.N.*, Adams J.K.*, Erdle L., Jantunen L.M., Helme P.A., Finkelstein S.A., Diamond M.L. The widespread environmental footprint of indigo denim microfibers from blue jeans. Environmental Science &Technology Letters.

*Author contributions were equal

Featured by CBC News, The Globe and MailNew Scientist, Daily Mail, WIRED Magazine, and EurekAlert


Roberts L., Bishop I., Adams J.K. Anthropogenically forced change in aquatic ecosystems: reflections on the use of monitoring, archival and palaeolimnological data to inform conservation. Geo: Geography and Environment

*Introduction to guest co-edited special issue 'Aquatic Transitions: Tracking the nature and trajectories of anthropogenically forced change in freshwater and coastal ecosystems'.


Cheng B., Adams J.K., Chen J., Zhou A., Zhang Q., Mackay A.W. Neoglacial trends in diatom dynamics from a small alpine lake in the Qinling Mountains of central China. Climate of the Past 16, 543–554,


Roberts S.*, Adams J.K.*, Mackay A.W., Swann G.E.A., McGowan S., Rose N.L., Panizzo V., Yang H., Vologina E., Sturm M., Shchetnikov A.A. Mercury loading within the Selenga River basin and Lake Baikal, Siberia. Environmental Pollution.

*Author contribution were equal




Adams J.K., Peng Y., Rose N.L., Shchetnikov A.A., Mackay A.W. 2019. Diatom community responses to long-term multiple stressors at Lake Gusinoye, Siberia. Geo: Geography and Environment.




Adams J.K., Martins C.C., Rose N.L., Shchetnikov A.A., Mackay A.W. 2018. Lake sediment records of persistent organic pollutants and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Southern Siberia mirror the changing fortunes of the Russian economy over the past 70 years. Environmental Pollution.


Vanden Byllaardt J., Adams J.K., Casas-Monroy O., Bailey S.A. 2018. Examination of an indicative tool for rapidly estimating viable organism abundance in ballast water. Journal of Sea Research.



Casas-Monroy O., Linley R.D., Adams J.K., Chan F.T., Drake D.A.R., Bailey S.A. 2015. Relative invasion risk for plankton across marine and freshwater systems: examining efficacy of proposed international ballast water discharge standards. PLOS One 10: e0118267.



Briski E., Linley R.D., Adams J.K., Bailey S.A. 2014. Evaluating efficacy of a ballast water filtration system for reducing spread of aquatic species in the Great Lakes. Management of Biological Invasions 5: 245-253.


Adams J.K., Briski E., Ram J.L., Bailey S.A. 2014. Evaluating the response of freshwater organisms to viability staining. Management of Biological Invasions 5: 197-208.


Finkelstein S.A., Bunbury J., Gajewski K., Wolfe A.P., Adams J.K., Devlin J.E. 2014. Evaluating diatom-derived Holocene pH reconstructions for arctic lakes using an expanded 171-lake training set. Journal of Quaternary Science 29: 249-260.



Creed I.F., Miller J., Aldred D, Adams J.K., Spitale S., Bourbonniere R.A. 2013. Hydrologic profiling for greenhouse gas effluxes from natural grasslands in the prairie pothole region of Canada. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 118: 680-697.



Adams J.K., Finkelstein S.A. 2010. Watershed-scale reconstruction of late and middle Holocene paleoenvironmental changes on Melville Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews 29: 2302-2314.



Finkelstein S.A., Ross J.M., Adams J.K.  2009. Spatio-temporal variability in Arctic climates of the past millennium: implications for the study of Thule culture on Melville Peninsula, Nunavut. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 41: 442-454.


Technical Reports

Adams J.K., Wiklund J.A., MacDonald L.A., Wolfe B.B., Hall R.I. 2023. Assessing correspondence of interpretations based on paleolimnological records obtained in 2001 and 2018 from perched lakes. Report to BC Hydro and Scientific Advisory Panel: Technical Report of the Peace-Athabasca Delta Paleolimnology Study 33 p.


Adams J.K., Ellis S.M., Chan F.T., Bronnenhuber J.E., Simard N., McKenzie C.H., Martin J.L, Bailey S.A. 2014. Relative risk assessment for ship-mediated introductions of aquatic nonindigenous species to the Atlantic Region of Canada. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 2012/116. vi + 403 p.


Casas-Monroy O., Linley R.D., Adams J.K., Chan F.T., Drake D.A.R., Bailey S.A. 2013. National risk assessment for introduction of aquatic nonindigenous species to Canada by ballast water. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 2013/128. vii + 74 p.

Selected Conference Presentations (See CV for full list)

Invited Talks:


Disentangling threats to freshwater conservation in the Anthropocene. 2021. Keynote speaker, Paleolimnology Symposium (PALS), University of Waterloo. Remote.



Oral Presentation:


Adams J.K., Athey S.N., Erdle L., Jantunen L.M., Rochman C.M., Helm P., Finkelstein S.A., Diamond M.L. 2019. Assessing blue jeans as a major microfiber source to global aquatic systems. Society of Ecotoxicology and Chemistry 40th Annual North America Meeting, Toronto, Canada.


Adams J.K., Jantunen L.M., Diamond M.L., Finkelstein S.A., Rochman C.M., Bernstein S., Stern G. 2018. Evidence for microplastic contamination in remote Canadian Arctic Archipelago marine sediments. Society of Ecotoxicology and Chemistry 39th Annual North America Meeting, Sacramento, California, U.S.A.


Adams J.K., Rose N.L., Vologina E., Mackay A.W. 2018. Multi-proxy investigations highlight ecosystem response to hydrological change in wetland shallow lakes. International Paleolimnology Association-International Association of Limnogeology, Stockholm, Sweden.


Adams J.K., Mackay A.W., Rose N.L., Swann G.E.A., Martins C.C., Vologina E. 2017. Sensitivity of shallow lake ecosystems of the Selenga Delta, Lake Baikal, Siberia to environmental variability. Association for the Science of Limnology and Oceanography Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai’i, U.S.A.


Adams J.K., Mackay A.W., Rose N.L., Swann G.E.A., Vologina E. 2016. Recent diatom assemblage changes in shallow lakes of the Selenga Delta (Lake Baikal, Siberia) reveal drivers of environmental change. International Diatom Symposium, Québec City, Canada.


Adams J.K., Mackay A.W., Rose N.L., Swann G.E.A., Martins C.C. 2016. Reconstructing toxicity and ecological impacts in shallow lake ecosystems of the Selenga Delta, Lake Baikal (World Heritage Site). International Society for Limnology Congress, Turin, Italy.


Adams J.K., Mackay A.W., Rose N.L., Swann G.E.A., Vologina E. 2015. Investigating the extent of natural and anthropogenic disturbances in shallow lakes of the Selenga Delta, Siberia. Quaternary Research Association Postgraduate Symposium, Cambridge, UK.


Adams J.K., Briski E., Bailey S.A. 2013. Assessing the utility of vital fluorescent stains for viability analysis of organisms transported by ballast water. International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, Niagara Falls, Canada.


Adams J.K., Briski E., Bailey S.A. 2013. Evaluation of vital fluorescent stains for analysis of viable organisms transported by ballast water. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, New Orleans, U.S.A.


Finkelstein S.A., Adams J.K., Iamonaco J.-P., Ross J.M. 2012. Multi-proxy records of Holocene paleoclimate from Melville Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada. International Polar Year, Montreal.


Adams J.K., Iamonaco J.-P., Finkelstein S.A. 2008.  Quantitative Paleoclimate Reconstructions from the Melville Peninsula. Canadian Association of Geographers (Ontario Section), Brock University.


Adams J.K., Creed I.F, Bourbonniere R.A. 2007. Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Prairie Potholes: Is Nitrogen Availability the Limiting Factor? Ontario Biology Day, McMaster University.



Poster Presentation:


Adams J.K., Athey S.N., Erdle L., Jantunen L.M., Rochman C.M., Helm P., Finkelstein S.A., Diamond M.L. 2019. When 'natural' microfibers are not natural: A method for identifying anthropogenic cellulose-based microfibers in different environmental media. Society of Ecotoxicology and Chemistry 40th Annual North America Meeting, Toronto, Canada


Adams J.K., Athey S.N., Erdle L., Jantunen L.M., Rochman C.M., Helm P., Finkelstein S.A., Diamond M.L. 2019. The microfiber footprint of blue jeans in a Great Lakes Watershed. International Association of Great Lakes Research, Brockport, New York.


Adams J.K., Jantunen L.M., Diamond M.L., Finkelstein S.A., Rochman C.M., Bernstein S., Stern G. 2019. Understanding sources and transport of microplastic pollution to the Canadian Arctic. Society of Ecotoxicology and Chemistry Europe Meeting, Helsinki, Finland.


Adams J.K., Athey S.N., Erdle L., Jantunen L.M., Rochman C.M., Helm P., Finkelstein S.A., Diamond M.L.

2019. The microfiber footprint of blue jeans in a Great Lakes Watershed. International Association of Great Lakes Research, Brockport, New York.


Adams J.K., Finkelstein S.A. 2009. Quantitative Paleoclimate Reconstructions from the Melville Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada. American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco.


Adams J.K., Finkelstein S.A.  2008.  Quantitative Reconstructions from the Melville Peninsula, Nunavut.  Interprovincial Graduate Paleolimnology Symposium Annual Meeting, Quebec City.

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